Designing Modular Programs

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Designing Modular Programs

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:

C1. demonstrate the ability to apply modular design concepts in computer programs;
C2. analyse algorithms for their effectiveness in solving a problem.

Specific Expectations


Computer Components

  By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 decompose a problem into modules, classes, or abstract data types (e.g., stack, queue, dictionary) using an object-oriented design methodology (e.g., CRC [Class Responsibility Collaborator] or UML [Unified Modeling Language]);
C1.2 demonstrate the ability to apply data encapsulation in program design (e.g., classes, records, structures);
C1.3 demonstrate the ability to apply the process of functional decomposition in subprogram design;
C1.4 apply the principle of reusability in program design (e.g., in modules, subprograms, classes, methods, and inheritance).


Algorithm Analysis

  By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 demonstrate the ability to analyse a precondition (i.e., starting state) and a postcondition (i.e., ending state) in an algorithm;
C2.2 compare the efficiency of linear and binary searches, using run times and computational complexity analysis (e.g., to analyse the number of statements executed, the number of iterations of a loop, or the number of comparisons performed);
C2.3 compare the efficiency of sorting algorithms, using run times and computational complexity analysis (e.g., to analyse the number of statements executed, the number of iterations of a loop, or the number of comparisons performed);
C2.4 identify common pitfalls in recursive functions (e.g., infinite recursion, exponential growth in recursive algorithms such as Fibonacci numbers).


Source: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 10 to 12: Computer Studies, 2008 (revised), page 44 PDF Format

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